See a Diabetic Foot Care Specialist in Chattanooga

Let’s find the appropriate treatment for your diabetic foot ailments. Our podiatrist welcomes English- and Spanish-speaking residents in the greater Chattanooga area. Schedule your visit today.

Book Your Appointment

Schedule your visit through a phone call or our patient portal. Once your appointment has been booked, our clinic will confirm through voice call or SMS text. Same-day appointments and walk-ins are accepted.

See Our Podiatrist

During your visit, our podiatrist takes a look at your diabetic foot and determines a treatment plan. Diabetic foot issues vary — some require simple treatment methods, while some might need surgery.

Treat Your Diabetic Foot

Once our podiatrist and patient agree upon the plan, treatment begins. You receive educational materials about diabetic foot care, too. We also schedule follow-ups as necessary.


You will be attended by Dr. Maria Pacheco, DPM, who is certified in Foot Surgery by the American Board of Foot and Ankle Surgery and certified with the American Board of Podiatric Medicine.

With over 9 years of experience as a podiatrist, Dr. Pacheco has handled a wide range of diabetic foot conditions in Chattanooga. Our team will determine the best procedure for your case.

More importantly, Dr. Pacheco and the Chattanooga Foot & Ankle Clinic genuinely care for our patients. We understand that having a diabetic foot issues stops you from living your best life, so we’ll work together to create an effective treatment plan.

Get to know your foot doctor in Chattanooga.

Dr. Maria Pacheco

“Everything that I have heard bout Dr. Pacheco is true – she is professional and very kind and interested in your condition!”

William M.

How to Care for Your Feet if You Have Diabetes

Diabetes can cause a type of nerve damage called “diabetic neuropathy,” which causes pain and tingling,or even loss of feeling,in your feet.
Neuropathy happens to 70% of people with diabetes, according to the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases.
When you lose feeling on your feet, it’s incredibly dangerous for people with diabetes since something as small as a blister or a bug bite can lead to:
  • Foot infections
  • Skin ulcers
  • Gangrene – happens when a bad infection never heals
  • Charcot’s Foot – starts with redness, warmth, and swelling, but your bones in the toes or feet can shift or break, resulting in an odd shape called “rocker’s bottom.”
  • Amputation of your toe, foot, or a part of your leg

A study by Debra K. Litzelman, MD, MA,showed that around 9 to 20% of ulcers on the feet lead to amputations in the US.
If you’re trying to understand how neuropathy occurs in the body, you need to know that the nervous system is divided into two parts, namely:
  • The Central Nervous System – composed of the brain and spinal cord
  • The Peripheral Nervous System – which is responsible for transmitting messages from the central nervous system to the rest of your body
The peripheral nervous system is further divided into the following parts:
  • Voluntary/Somatic Nervous System – controls functions that we are aware and conscious of, like moving our limbs, for example
  • Involuntary/Autonomic Nervous System – controls regulatory functions we can’t directly control, like a heartbeat, breathing, and digestion
When both voluntary and involuntary peripheral nerves are damaged, it can result in neuropathy and affect sensory and motor nerves.
There are many causes for nerve damage, with poorly managed diabetes accounting for around 60% of neuropathy cases. Other causes include:
  • Chemotherapy
  • HIV
  • Shingles
  • Kidney Disease
  • Autoimmune Diseases
  • Infectious Diseases
  • Alcoholism
  • Nutrient Deficiencies
  • Hereditary Disorders
  • Physical Trauma
Meet and work with your healthcare team to create a management plan for your diabetes. Your plan should include preventive measures for protecting and caring foryour feet, so a podiatrist (a foot doctor) and other specialists should be part of your team.
Having a podiatrist in your healthcare team is imperative when it comes to protecting your feet.
If you want to develop a foot-care plan or improve your current one, reach out to a Chattanooga Foot & Ankle Clinic foot specialist. Dr. Pacheco, our board-certified foot surgeon, will help you care for your feet through a protective plan, checkups, and more.

Foot Care Tips for a Person with Diabetes

Monitoring and Maintenance
The first—and one of the most important—thing in caring for your feet is maintaining a healthy lifestyle. This should include regular exercise, monitoring your blood sugar daily, and regular medical exams checking your:
  • A1c
  • Blood Pressure
  • Cholesterol
Establish and Commit to a Daily Foot Routine
Caring for your feet every day is crucial if you have diabetes. Some have lost the feeling in their feet, so they don’t know they’re injured until they check. Make sure your routine involves:
Inspecting your feet
Be vigilant and check all possible areas of your feet, including your toes, tops, sides, soles, heels, and the area between the toes. Check for:
  • Cuts, sores, or red spots
  • Ingrown toenails
  • Corns or calluses
  • Athlete’s Foot
  • Warm spots
  • Swelling or fluid-filled blisters
If you find any of these problems, reach out to your doctor as soon as possible.
Washing your feet
Use mild soap and warm water when cleaning your feet. If you’ve lost sensation in your foot, you might not even realize you’re scalding your skin. This can lead to burns and blisters, which open doors to infection.
Instead, use your fingers or elbows to check the water temperature before putting your feet in. You can also use a thermometer; 90° to 95° F is safe.
Drying and moisturizing your feet
Make sure your feet are entirely dry since infections usually develop in moist areas, such as between the toes.
Use lotion or oil to moisturize your feet, but do not moisturize between the toes since this can promote fungal infection.

Find Out the Right Treatment for Your Diabetic Foot

Schedule a consultation with Dr. Pacheco to mitigate pain and prevent your diabetic foot ailments from worsening.

About Our Chattanooga Clinic

We look forward to helping you get back on your feet and keep moving.


Chattanooga Foot & Ankle Clinic accepts insured and self-pay patients. We accommodate Cigna, Aetna, Medicare, and Tenncare.

Patient Age Range

Our podiatrist welcomes patients who are 5 years old and above. We treat a range of foot and ankle issues apart from diabetic foot issues.

Bilingual Service

Dr. Pacheco is bilingual, so she sees English- and Spanish-speaking patients, whether they live in Chattanooga or visiting from out of town.

Patient Intake Form

If you’re a new patient, please complete this form before visiting for your diabetic foot consultation.

Patient Portal

Log into the Chattanooga Foot & Ankle Clinic Patient Portal to schedule or cancel appointments.

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Feedback from the people we have had the privilege to help:

"She truly care for her patients! Dr. Pacheco takes her time with each patient, as if she has all day! She is very thorough in her work, always has a smile on her face!!"

Kristi Phillips Patient

If she had not diagnosed my Charcot Foot, hospital would have sent me home. I could not walk and my bones were breaking. Thanking God for sending her our way.

L Bond Patient

"Awesome staff and doctor. They take time time and care for their patients. To explain to you they way that you understand"

Mark Tatham Patient

Dr. Pacheco is always professional. She is knowledgeable, friendly, and explains things in a way the average patient can understand.

Thomas Bartley Patient

Dr. Pacheco is an intelligent and understanding doctor. She improved my problem in a short amount of time. She is very nice and friendly.

Angela Patient


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Our Pricing

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Starter Plan

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Professional Plan

Per Month

Our Expertise

9 Years of Experience treating foot and ankle ailments of all types

We look forward to helping you next!


Comfortable Environment

Our team understands that having diabetic foot issues is uncomfortable and often a debilitating condition, which is why we create a comfortable and calm environment at our clinic. We try to minimize the stress and put our patients at ease.

Advice for Patients

Chattanooga Foot & Ankle Clinic keeps abreast of developments in treatments for foot and ankle issues, including diabetic foot. We provide you with the appropriate treatment for your case.

Rehabilitation of Foot and Ankle

Our goal is to help our patients recover quickly so that they can get back on their feet. We’ll also explain every step of the procedure if your diabetic foot requires surgery.

Empathy for Our Patients’ Condition

Chattanooga Foot & Ankle Clinic believes in kindness. We want our patients to feel that they are heard, and their issues are addressed. Our practice advocates empathy, no matter your condition.

Relieve the Pain from Your Diabetic Foot Issues

Schedule a consultation, so Dr. Pacheco can check and treat your diabetic foot.